Post by Siegfried von Schroider on Oct 10, 2008 20:44:23 GMT -5
This is the character application. Please use only this template. If you want to add something extra, go ahead because this is where people will be getting to know your character before rping with them. This is for Canon Characters and Original Characters.
Follow the template carefully, it may be a bit confusing.
Copy and paste this code into a new thread in the 'pending' sub-board.
We are currently not accepting anymore non-Japanese characters. Temporarily, only Egyptian and Japanese characters are allowed. See the rules for more information on this.
Follow the template carefully, it may be a bit confusing.
Copy and paste this code into a new thread in the 'pending' sub-board.
[size=1][center][font=georgia][size=6][color=DDDDDD]CHARACTERNAME[/color]:: is presented by[/size][/font]
[size=0]YourName, who's been roleplaying for [b][color=DDDDDD]Time Roleplaying[/color][/b] and is [color=DDDDDD][b]age[/b][/color] years old. YourName also plays (list any other characters you portray on Behind the Past)
[center][IMG] [/IMG] [IMG] [/IMG] [IMG] [/IMG][/center]
[font=georgia][size=5]◊ [color=DDDDDD]&& This Better Be Something[/color] ◊[/size][/font]
[b]The birth certificate reads[/b] full character name
[b]But You Better Call Me[/b] nicknames/aliases
[b]I've Seen the World For[/b] agehere [b]years[/b]
[b]As I've Been Around Since[/b] birthdate (day and month only)
[b]Making Myself Known As[/b] occupation (only if applicable. This can include ‘Ghouls (Rare Hunters)’ or 'Kaiba Corp.' or even waitress or student)
[b]I Duel With[/b] list the central theme of your character’s deck, if they have one, or you may also list a few cards they have, or even their full deck (though we do not ask that you do this) and only one deck per character, unless the case is otherwise with a canon.
[font=georgia][size=5]◊ [color=DDDDDD]&& This Face is Going Somewhere[/color] ◊[/size][/font]
[size=1]please describe your character’s appearance in detail (think paragraphs, and good sized ones)[/size]
[font=georgia][size=5]◊ [color=DDDDDD]&& I’ve Wasted Enough Time Already[/color] ◊[/size][/font]
[size=1]please go into detail with your character’s history. Again, paragraphs please.[/size]
[font=georgia][size=5]◊ [color=DDDDDD]&& I’m the Next Great Thing[/color] ◊[/size][/font]
[size=1]Your character’s personality should be well thought-out and detailed, in paragraphs.[/size]
[font=georgia][size=5]◊ [color=DDDDDD]&& This is Me [/color] ◊[/size][/font]
[b]Can't beat me at[/b] strengths
[b]Though you may win at[/b] weaknesses
[b]I Like[/b] likes
[b]I Don't[/b] dislikes
[b]Keep Away[/b] Fears
[b]Abilities[/b] abilities
[b]Extra[/b] anything else you wish to place
[font=georgia][size=5]◊ [color=DDDDDD]&& This is a Champion[/color] ◊[/size][/font]
[quote]roleplay sample[/quote]